Wednesday, July 29, 2015

abstaining from the flower brings on the wfd dreams

I am increadably fascinated by dreams. I'd love to hear them and if their cool I'll pueblish them here. anonymously or however you want. Just trying it out. free AND legit, checkit!

Ever dream you're an animal? Prey? A Hunter?

 Darks eyes waiting knowing and closed,
Timing is everything in the shadow fields.
Flashes of moon through the skeleton trees,
Glows for a moment the color of bleeding skin.
Pale light burning and changing something watching with patience,
Breath on the neck, tensions are budding.
Yellow flesh weathered fangs suspended idle just and instinct away,
Cradling my delicate spine in a cushion of air.
Choice is plenty, hope is none, wait for that instant blindly, or turn towards head on…
My February moon rises up to beautiful song,
Winter ravaged honeysuckle sheds their sweet smell for the fragrance of death.
My worlds a circle blackening from the out side in,
The last that I felt, is the warm blood from my head poor down my chest.
I died in my dream to a hot strange cold sweat,
A subconscious after life on my double stuffed sofa
Feeling for blood and gasping for air.

And the screams from my dreams still aiding my rest... Q.B.S.

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